About Us

Learn more about AKA Family Life Coaching .

Michelle Alexander— Founder & CEO.

Our Story

My name is Michelle Alexander I am the Family Life Coaching , Early intervention Practitioner, Founder of AKA Life Coaching, with 23 years of experience working with children and families. AKA Life Coaching is a Life coaching, family support and early intervention service for women.
Our bespoke service includes supporting women and families with work-life balance, self-development, family support, parenting programmes facilitation and Family life coaching e-learning short courses.

In short, we provide women and families with tools to improve their wellbeing and set goals in a woman’s home and work life. 

We use early detection techniques and life coaching methods, so the women and their families reach their full potential. We also offer one -one and group Family Life coaching sessions Privately and Company Family Life Coaching wellbeing packages. WWW.AKALIFECOACHING.COM


Some of Our Expert Guests

its not the load that breaks us its how we carry it

Lotte Steiniche : Child behavioural expert

Early years expert, 26 years working in Early years education and child development. Lotte specialises in behaviour management, sleep routines, toilet training and fussy eating.  

Samantha Smith spoke at Our Family Online Safety

Digital Truth Ambassador, Data Privacy, Attorney, Coach and Managing director of the Information Collective. Samantha advised us on the importance of having “Good data hygiene”. The information Collective.

Meet The Experts

Here what the experts have to say  at AKA Life Coaching’s  live events, articles and blogs

Ezra Ben-Yisrael


Empowerment and Transformation Coach, Mentor and Criminal justice Manager .Ezra is a focused and determined individual who has settled in his heart to be part of the solution. He is the father of two and has been happily married since the second of February 2002. His passion and desire is ignited by empowering other and unlocking insight. Learn more about Ezra in our AKA Men Making a different article. 

Trish Meneses


Trish is a Productivity Coach who Supports Mothers who have children on the Autistic Spectrum. “I hope to support mothers to live a life with much needed extra time and freedom.”  Learn more about Trish in AKA Life Coachings “Smile if you love someone with Autism blog.”


Junior Esprit


A certified personal trainer, he designs safe and effective nutrition and exercise Plans/programmes. Junior Sets fitness and sport’s goals. Junior was our guest speaker at our January mindful health event.

Abbie Matthews


Pre and Post Natal exercise specialist , Pilates and Nutrition Coach. “Listening to your body is the most crucial tool in resuming exercise after pregnancy. ” Learn more about Abbie in AKA Life Coaching’s “Sore today strong tomorrow :strong mother in training” Blog.


Founder life by design

Hey my name is Dinah i am a life coach ,a community involvement and Children’s Centre Team Manager in one of england’s larges charities. I have a back ground in health visiting service hubs ,child care and education. I have a strong passion in community liaison and diversity issues .Dinah was guest speaker at our family online safety event. Want to learn more about online safety enrol on our online safety awareness course. 



Hello My name is Sekimat Adima MBACP, Relational and Integrative Counsellor. I specialist in relationship counselling . I also work in partnership with Local authority, schools, NHS, Domestic violence support groups to name a few. Want to see more of  Sekimat see our video gallery Work Life Balance workshop.



My name is Jermaine McLeod, I am a qualified Art Psychotherapist registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC). I have an undergraduate BA degree in Graphical Communication and a Masters in Art Psychotherapy. Learn more about Jermaine in our AKA Men Making a different article. 

"Lets Change the Narrative "



Help us reach our target of reaching


Women and Families




Councils and school



What Our Students Have to Say

I attended AKA Life Coaching launch / first event and i was touch by Michelle's resilience and her story i decided i had no excuse and i completed and past my teacher’s qualification. I also attended the mindful health event which got be thinking about how my body and mind are interconnected.
From London, UK
My company allowed me to attend the sessions during the day as my manager felt it would be beneficial for my career and personal development. I suggest you ensure your company allows you to book a room within the organisation so that you can get the most from the sessions and they are not interrupted
From London, UK
I found the sessions really beneficial, we had weekly sessions and Michelle was really flexible. I would recommend the sessions to anyone. The sessions helped me a great deal to redefine my goals and my family relationships.

From London, UK
When i first started attending the sessions i didnt realise how stuck i felt. As a result of attending one of AKA Life Coaching’s sessions i decided to start looking into another career. A year later I have left a my career in early education and I am now a qualified NVQ3 Childcare assessor. The session helped me to believe in myself.
From London, UK

Work life Balance

Who do we support:

Professional women: Past, Present and Future. Parents: Co-parenting, Divorced, Married, Single, Young Parents. Carers: Caring for a child with a Disability, Caring for Relatives. Survivors: Domestic Abuse, Trauma.


Our team

AKA Family Life Coaching 

Michelle Alexander


Hey there you are phenomenal, My name is Michelle Alexander I am Life Coaching and Early Intervention Practitioner.I have 23 years experience working with children and families  14 Years  managing early years education settings. I have been working in  Early Intervention for the past 5 years (Which is a tier of social care) . I am trained in coaching, management, early intervention, child care and education, healthy relationships, domestic violence, autism and parenting facilitation to name a few. I am also a qualified OCR child care assessor, which I conducted in a corporate nursery chain alongside my managerial role.

Natasha Lee


Hi My name is Natasha I am AKA Life coaching’s accounts, compliance and complaints manager. I am a IT manager in a leading firm, i am a mother of a 11 year old boy and daughter 25 year old Saffron. I work part time supporting this ever growing business. My hopes for the  future is that every company has a service like AKA Life Coaching to support their female staff and families .If you are experiencing any difficulties drop me a call or email me. We are here to make your life easier not harder.



Kayleigh A-George


Hello my name is Kayleigh Alexander- George, My mum is the founder of AKA Life Coaching. If you are wondering where you have seen me before you may have seen me  on Channel 4’s The House of Teen Mums. I am the part time Volunteer Hr Manager at AKA Life Coaching , a mother ,a spiritual coach, in the process of launching cakes by leigh and a housing rents officer. You will see me on the housing  rents session to answer all your housing questions. 

Mercedes Esprit


Hey there my name is Mercedes Esprit i am the Marketing and PR Manager, i also work for probation and i am on my way to becoming a qualified probation officer. I work for Thames valley and have a passion for support rehabilitation  Watch this space you will see me in some of the training videos on  young people and anti social behaviour. My dream is to open a rehabilitation charity to help offender’s back into employment. I was raised by my Auntie Miranda Lee.

More about Our team

I am text block. Click edit button to change.

Saffron- Spence Lee


Hello My name is Saffron i am a part time administration officer .So your invoices are likely to be sent by me. Look forward to speaking to you. My mum is the account manager.

Miranda Lee


Hello my name is Miranda i do all the catering for the AKA Life Coaching in person events. I full time job is to catering manager where i do the catering  for hundreds of primary school children. I  have had the pleasure to raise all the wonderful ladies in the team.